At Tam Heather, we have both daytime and evening leagues for men and women of all ages and abilities.
Curling Leagues
Click on a league to see more information
2024/5 Men: Evening Team Entry (Mon/Thurs)
Men Mon/Thurs Evening Team Entry
All levels of curlers. – sign up as a team or as an individual
The Team Entry competitive league curls weekly, rotating between Mondays at 7:00 pm and Thursdays at 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm. The teams are set at the start of the year and play 3 draws of 7 games each. The drawmaster works very hard to to ensure that teams play an equivalent number of games at the various draw times (not entirely possible with 7 games per draw). This season for the first time, teams will be surveyed to determine their availability to play at 5:00pm. Depending on the results of the survey, teams who are willing/able to play at 5:00 pm will be scheduled to play some of their games at 5:00 pm instead of 9:00 pm. The necessity for Monday night games will determined by the number of teams registered.
There is capacity for a total of 64 teams split with 8 teams per division. At the beginning of the year, teams are ranked and assigned to divisions. They then play play three draws of seven games, with the top 2 teams moving up and the bottom 2 moving down between divisions based on their win-loss record. Teams with the best record in the final draw are recognized as Division champions. The season finishes with a Closing Bonspiel played over the final 2 weeks of the season.
You may enter an entire team of four, or sign up to be assigned to a team. New members are always welcome.
The Men's Individual Entry League curls on Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm. Players sign up individually, then are ranked according to their abilities/experience, and assigned to teams. The drawmaster does his very best to balance the teams in order to make for competitive games (no one likes a blow-out). Teams curl together for 7 weeks, and there are 3 draws during the season. So you get to play on 3 different teams. The team with the best record is declared the champion of that draw.
New members are always welcome. Rated gives you the opportunity to meet and play with a variety of teammates, so it's a great way for new members to meet other club members.
Established in 1978, Venerables is one of the largest senior men’s curling leagues anywhere, with over 200 curlers.
Tag draw curling weekdays in 3 groups:
Group A plays Monday and Wednesday at 8:30 am
Group B plays Monday and Wednesday at 11:15 am
Group C plays Tuesday and Thursday at 1:45 pm
Curlers sign up for one group but may curl with the other groups if space is available.
Open Tag draw Friday at 1:45 pm for all groups.
Featured are several optional in-house bonspiels.
Other social events (golf, dances) are held throughout the year.
See also the Venerables VTEC league.
2024/5 Men: Venerables Team Entry Curling (Fri VTEC)
Venerables Team Entry Curling (VTEC)
All levels of curlers men aged 50 and over
Established in 1978, Venerables is one of the largest senior men’s curling leagues anywhere, with over 200 curlers.
Friday competitive VTEC (Venerables Team Entry Curling) at 8:30 am and 11:15 am.
VTEC has four divisions (32 teams) and plays a double round robin format with playoffs for teams of all skill levels.
See also the Venerables VTAG league.
2024/5 Women: Daytime Team Entry (Tues)
Women Daytime Team Entry
All levels of curlers. – sign up as a team or as an individual
The Tuesday Daytime Team Entry League is our competitive daytime league for ladies. The league plays at 9:00 am and 11:30 am with a proportion of 2 games at 9:00 for every one game at 11:30.
Teams compete throughout the curling season in a round-robin ladder format. Team points are accumulated over the entire season and the final standings then determine your team's event/division for the year-end playoffs.
This is a team entry league, but individual curlers are encouraged to sign up and will be matched with existing or new teams. So new members are always welcome.
Thursday morning 9am is a tag draw where each week the member is on a different team. This is a great opportunity to play different positions and with a variety of teammates.
Tag draw format also means it’s a great way to get an extra game in without having to commit to playing every week.
2024/5 Women: Evening Team Entry (Wed)
Women's Curling Evening Team Entry
All levels of curlers. – sign up as a team or as an individual
The Wednesday evening Team Entry competitive league is divided into 3 draws (a draw is normally 6 to 8 games) each season.
The Team Entry league can accommodate a maximum of 32 teams with 16 teams playing at 7:00 pm each week and the remainder at 9:00 pm.
At the beginning of the year, teams are ranked and assigned to divisions. They then play three draws, with teams moving up and down between divisions based on their win-loss record. The team with the best record over the entire season is the Grand Aggregate winner, and teams with the best record in the final draw are recognized as Division champions.
This is a team entry league, but individual curlers are encouraged to sign up and will be matched with existing or new teams. So new members are always welcome.
2024/5 Women: Evening Individual Entry (Mon)
Women: Monday Evening Individual Entry
All levels of curlers. – sign up as an individual
The Monday Evening Individual Entry league plays at 7pm. There are two draws with the first draw from October to December and the second running from January to the end of March. Each curler enters as an individual indicating the position (Skip, Vice, Second or Lead) that she wishes to play. In each draw, new teams are drawn randomly by player position. Players have the opportunity to move up and try new positions.
New members are always welcome. Individual Entry gives you the opportunity to meet and play with a variety of teammates, so it's a great way for new members to meet other club members.
2024/5 Open: Evening (Thurs)
Thursday Evening Open
Brenda Wilkes
This Thursday Open League runs every Thursday from 4:45pm to 6:45pm.
There are two draws, October to December and January to end of season.
This is an open league for all levels of curlers. As a new curler this is an opportunity to meet members, and be part of a team in a weekly basis. Each curler registers as an individual indicating preferred position (skip, vice, second or lead) and you may indicate one other member that you would like to play with (e.g. your spouse or a friend)
Teams will be set for the first draw and then reset for the second draw. The draw master will make up teams based on stated position preferences. This is great opportunity to meet other club members in social relaxed environment.
The league organizes two special events per draw.
2024/5 Mixed: Evening Ladder (Fri/Sun)
Mixed Ladder
All levels of curlers. – sign up as a team or as an individual
We have a very large Mixed section. At the beginning of the year teams are ranked and then play in a points ladder system throughout. There are 3 draws of 7 games for each team with 8 teams per division (max 80 teams, Divisions A-J). Three bonspiels and bi-monthly Friday ‘fun nights’ add to the social side of curling. Mixed curling is scheduled on either Friday evening or Sunday afternoon.
After each draw, teams are re-seeded according to their win, loss, tie record, with the top 2 teams moving up a division and the bottom 2 moving down a division. Then play continues under the new alignment. A similar realignment takes place after the 2nd draw. Then teams play the final draw for divisional bragging rights. Teams with the best results in the final draw are recognized at the awards night during the Mixed Closing bonspiel that runs all week long during the final week (or thereabouts) of the season.
Mixed curling is a very social activity. Many of our members develop lasting friendships with teammates and opposing players alike. You may find many of our teams enjoying dinner together in the dining room after their Sunday games.
We balance the schedule so that teams will rotate play between Friday (7:00pm and 9:00pm) and Sunday (3:15pm, 5:15pm).
Entries are by team, but singles and couples are encouraged to join as there are always teams or other couples looking for someone to play with. The drawmaster will put interested single players or couples in touch with one another to form additional teams.
League Fee: $10.00
2024/5 Mixed: Daytime Seniors (Thurs Tag)
Daytime Mixed Seniors (Tag)
All levels of curlers 50 or older. – sign up as an individual
Thursday 11:30 am
Full, Daytime
Tag draw format; so it’s a great way to meet everyone. Plays Thursdays from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm.
2024/5 Mixed: Daytime Anything Goes (Wed Tag)
Daytime Anything Goes (Tag)
All levels of curlers – sign up as an individual
Tag draw format; so it’s a great way to meet everyone. Plays Wednesdays from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.
2024/5 Mixed: Sinners (Sun Tag)
Sunday Sinners (Tag)
All levels of curlers. – sign up as an individual
The Sunday Sinners curl on Sunday mornings from 8:30 to 10:30 am. We play a tag draw format. Weekly attendance is optional. Each curler attending on a given Sunday places their named tag on the board over the position they wish to play that day. The drawmaster will then make up the teams from those present.
For both women and men. Tag draw format; so it’s a great way to get an extra game in without having to commit to playing every week.
2024/5 Mixed: Evening Addon (Sat Tag)
Mixed Tag
All levels of curlers. – sign up as an individual
Mixed curling is a very social activity. Our Mixed Ladder league plays Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons and evenings and is the biggest section in the club. But maybe you want to change it up a bit; play with different couples, or try out a different position, or even play against one another, or separately from one another. Or maybe you are just looking for something to do on a Saturday evening.
We play a tag draw format on Saturday evenings (6:30 to 8:30pm). Weekly attendance is optional. Each curler attending places their named tag on the board over the position they wish to play that day. So couples can play together if they like, or apart. The drawmaster will then make up the teams from those present based on the preferences indicated on the tag board..
Open to couples and individuals. Tag draw format; so it’s a great way to get an extra game in, play with a variety of people, and without having to commit to playing every week.
This is an Addon League and cannot be selected by itself.
League Fee: $10.00
2024/5 Youth: U12 (Formerly Little Rock)
The U12 program is open to children age 7-11 on June 30th.
The Program runs on Sundays from 10:45am - 12:15pm.
The program is divided into an instructional session and game each week. During the instructional period, Little Rockers work on skills development and building knowledge of the game. During the game portion, Little Rockers are assigned to a team where they have the opportunity to practice game situations.
Special events are put on throughout the season (i.e. Family Day when the Little Rockers welcome their families to join and play with them on the ice).
There are also opportunities to play in bonspiels (tournaments) against/at other clubs for those who are interested.
Participants will need:
CLEAN rubber-soled shoes (not worn to the rink - this is mandatory)
Curling shoes are not required.
Loose fitting, comfortable and warm clothing (no jeans!)
gloves or mitts
HELMETS ARE MANDATORY. All participants are required to wear a properly fitted and secured (as per the direction of the manufacturer) helmet certified by the (Canadian Standards Association) in the curling rink.
League Fee: $10.00
2024/5 Youth: U15/U21 Teen (Formerly Juniors and Bantams)
The U15/U21 program is open to anyone 20 years of age or under on June 30th.
The program runs Sundays from 12:15 pm - 2:15 pm
Sunday sessions will include off-ice discussion, specific on-ice skills instruction, followed by actual games during which curlers will be able to practice these skills.
All curlers are required to wear clean indoor shoes. Protective head gear is recommended for all participants. Wear warm, loose-fitting clothing (no jeans) and gloves.
Curlers age 16 to 20 may spare in Men's, Mixed, and Women's Leagues.
League Fee: $30.00
2024/5 Other: Spare Only - No Leagues
If you cannot commit to a regular schedule but still love to curl, this is for you.
Allows sparing in any league: Daytime, Evenings, Weekends.
2024/5 Other: Practice Only - No Leagues
Love our club atmosphere? Like to throw an occasional rock?
Practice Only Members receive our Newsletter and have access to the Members Only section of the web site. You can book practice ice. OCA fee is not included.