Tennis Policy at Tam Heather (April, 2024)
- Hours of Play
6:00 am to 12:00 pm. The facility is closed Dec.25th.
- Identification
Every member must have a key fob. Key fobs must be picked up at the Office prior to playing your first game. Fobs must be purchased to gain access to the tennis dome. Lost fobs must be repurchased at a cost of $40.00 (plus HST) per fob. Access to the dome without a fob is arranged by visiting the office.
- Attire
Tennis attire and non-marking tennis shoes are required. No street shoes on the courts, anytime. No cut off shorts or cut off shirts allowed.
Please use the shoe cleaner before entering the dome when your boots or shoes may be dirty with snow, slush or salt.
- Court Reservations
Reservations may be made by accessing the GameTime Tennis Court Booking system. Instructions for accessing this system are provided when members join the club.
- Guests and Non-Members
- A member may bring a guest, subject to a daily fee at the current rate, plus court fees and H.S.T. Guests must be registered prior to play. Penalty for non-registration and non-payment is triple the guest fee.
- Non-members may book courts at the non-member court rental rate. There is an additional non-member fee, plus H.S.T.
- Court Cancellation
A member must cancel a court at least 24 hours prior to playing time. Otherwise, the member booking the court will be billed.
- Start and Stop of Play
A warning bell will ring at 5 minutes to the hour. Players must vacate their court promptly when the 2nd bell goes off on the hour, regardless of score. Players who enter the bubble early are asked to remain on the bleachers until their start time and be respectful of the players on court 1. In case a court is empty before or after the booked time, a five-minute grace period is permissible. To enter or exit after the final bell, please do so without impacting / disrupting play on other courts.
- Court Usage / Practice
A maximum of four players per court is permitted unless instruction is in progress. Spectators are asked to remain quiet on the bleachers.
Courts can be booked for practice only during the summer (May 1 to September 30).
Booking courts for practice is NOT PERMITTED during the winter (October 1 to April 30).
- Instruction
Tennis lessons may be given only by the Club Professionals when approved by the Tennis Director.
- Balls and Ball Hoppers
- A maximum of six (6) balls may be used during play at all times.
- Hitting of tennis balls against the sides of the bubble is not permitted.
- Ball hoppers are not allowed at any time and court bookings by a single player are not allowed.
- The court divider nets must be fully drawn between all adjoining courts.
- Balls must be collected and court vacated on the hour.
- Member Accounts
Statements are to be picked up at the office. Payments will be paid by pre-authorized credit card, near the middle of every month. All tennis members MUST have pre-authorized credit card information on file for monthly billings.
- Weather or Facility-Related Closures
In the event of mechanical breakdown, severe or harsh environmental conditions that can include snowstorms, ice storms, hurricanes, tornados, flooding or any unforeseen act of nature, the decision to close the tennis dome will be made by the Club Manager or his/her designate.
The Club Manager’s decision will be based on a variety of information sources, including, but not limited to:
- Weather reports from Environment Canada
- Accessibility of local roadways and the Club parking lots
- Reports of road and highway conditions for Toronto and surrounding areas
Communication regarding a closure will be made as soon as possible following the decision of the Club Manager. Notice of the closure will be posted on the homepage of the Club website and an email will be sent out to all members. Signage will also be posted at the entrance to the tennis dome.
In some instances, weather conditions may not necessitate closing the dome but conditions may still make travel unsafe. In these situations, the Club will give appropriate consideration to members who decide that conditions are too bad for them to safely travel. In these instances, the member(s) must advise the office prior to their court reservation of their decision not to play and request that they not be charged. These requests may be made by phone at 416-284-9251 ext.4 or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- General Court Etiquette
- When entering or exiting your assigned court, wait until play has stopped before crossing an occupied court, and always cross quickly at the back, behind the players on that court.
- Please keep movement across other courts to a minimum. Emergency trips to the washroom occur, but be respectful of others.
- The default position for the divider nets is “Closed.” Please do not open the nets unless neighboring players are in full agreement.
- When a ball from your court enters another court, wait until play on the other court has stopped and then politely ask for the ball to be returned. Do not step onto another court while a point is in play.
- When a ball from another court has entered your court, return the ball promptly once a point has ended on your court and without disrupting a point on their court.
- Be aware of the brand and number on the balls you are using. When picking up a ball on your court, don’t just pocket it: check the brand and number. If it’s not yours, look around, as players on another court may be calling for it.
- Hang winter coats on the racks provided and leave outdoor shoes at the entrance so that clutter between courts is kept to a minimum.
- Have Fun (but never at the expense of others)!